Thursday, April 14, 2005

Summer '05

Now this is what I call spending the summer! I and my friends just got from the beach and I really had a blast! : ) We partied, drank, swum, sunbathed, played volleyball, rode the banana boat, had henna tattoo, of course, danced, etc. I think the only thing I didn't do is smoke that weed that one of my new friends is passing around. Well, I was really thinking of smoking it but I just feel good about myself not giving in to that temptation after all. I just hope I'll be consistent in those kinds of temptations 'coz sometimes giving in seems to be a great option even if it's just not. Anyway, I also met new friends there and that made my stay even better. : ) We're actually planning to go back next month and I'm pretty excited about it. I hope it'll push through. : )