In school, or at least in my school, students are pushed to work hard. I never really want to do a lot of things especially that so exhausting thesis paper. But that was just at first. I have made myself, with the help of my teachers, get used to in doing productive things as often as possible, making my self more competitive every moment that passes.
Yesterday, I just got my final course cards in my college years. I was happy I am finally graduating. But then, I was kind of confused because I was also sad. There was actually more sadness inside me. Thinking about it this time, I believe I have finally figured it out. I got used to doing a lot of readings. I got used to in thinking of a lot of deadlines. I got used to doing a lot of researches. And now, suddenly, all of those things seem to be gone. There is a big part of me that longs for that feeling of rush again, determination to do something well again, to work hard again for something productive, and in the end, get that good grade proving my teacher we made a great team in making me better again.
It is just yesterday that school tasks are finally over for me and, surprisingly, I miss school already. I feel like I need another book review, a research paper, or do a PowerPoint Presentation for a report in front of a class. I feel like I just broke up with a girlfriend. What’s happening to me?! Oh well, it is indeed different now. I’m about to enter the school of the real world… a school without teachers to guide me.
Well, technically, I’m on my own now. But then, I prefer not to think of it that way. My teachers will still be on my thoughts, it may sound mushy as it gets. I am serious. Come on. Let me do this. :) Anyway, besides, my educators and I have not actually proven that we made a great team yet. I still have a long way to go. I guess we can not actually prove it until I reach their ages: 50’s? ;) I don’t know. But one thing is for sure, the examinations go on, just in a room where things are a lot bigger and a lot different. Surely, the learning I had in school will be in me forever. The success and teachings of Sir Melvin De Guzman will guide and encourage me to work hard and remind me that I can always count on God. The motivation and belief that Sir Robert Espiritu has shown will always be in my mind, especially when I am down, to get me going. The fundamentals of PowerPoint Presentation that have taught to me by Sir Ben Pascua will always be remembered and those skills I will surely constantly improve. The 6 inches handouts of Sir Bob Baylon will always be one of my treasures. To all teachers who believed and had that goal of really improving my self will always be considered as my inspiration to strive for success, carrying the things that they have taught me… they know who they are. They will not be giving course cards anymore but I will still have that goal of still trying to get a grade of 4 from them. But this time, on how I will apply the teachings they have inculcated in me. In the school of the real world, deadlines would be of real life, the seatwork will be in every circumstance, the assignments will come from problems of business or even of my family. There will be no teachers to scold me anymore whenever I have my shortcomings, who will give advices, who will believe, who will listen, and who will smile whenever I do something right in every step of the way. It is time to go now, but I hope I will meet them again. I hope I will be able to show them my future achievements and riches in wealth, friends, family, and even in my own students, teaching and sharing values to people inspired of what they have shown me.
To my Sir’s and Ms’s, it will be one of my goals to meet you again. I will work hard and when that time comes: I hope you will not say “You’re not doing well” (grade of 1); it will be begrudgingly okay for me if you say “You can still do more” (grade of 2); it will be just satisfactory if you say “You are okay” (grade of 3); overall all, I hope you will say “We have made a great team” (grade of 4). :) I hope I will be able to make you proud. So long my mentors, until that moment when we see each other again.